The Ribald Adventures
of Pirate Angelus and William

by violet hamster

Written to commemorate
'Talk Like a Pirate Day'
19 Sept 04

An occasional scream  rent the air as another of the hapless crew members of the boarded vessel was tossed overboard, to the accompaniment of great shouts of amusement from the pirates. Captain Angelus viewed his crew's hijinks with a benevolent air, greatly pleased as he surveyed the cargo being conveyed onto his own ship.

The swirl of a feminine skirt amongst the chaos caught his eye, and he raised his spyglass to get a better look. He sighed in disappointment when he saw that the woman was further advanced in age than suited his taste. But, here now, what was going on there? A grin of amusement formed as he witnessed a slight, unintimidating mouse of a gentleman obviously attempting to guard the lady's honor. Several of his crew surrounded the man, taunting him like playful cats, soon to send him to his fate.

"Wesley!" Angelus bellowed, attracting the attention of the weathered, scarred bosun, who made his way silently to the captain's side. Angelus handed him the spyglass.

"The little gentleman, and the aged lady, do ye see them? Have them brought to me. I wish to give them a proper welcome." Wesley answered the captain's sardonic grin with a brief twitch of his grim mouth before returning the spyglass and heading off to do his bidding.

The order had almost slipped Angelus' mind by the time Wesley returned with his quarry. He paused in his inventory of the plunder as the indignant young man and his fearful elderly companion were brought before him.

"I say!" the fussy-looking, bespectacled gentleman sputtered, as Angelus eyed him in amusement. "You shall not get away with this! Desist this very instant, or surely you shall hang for such villainy!"

The pirate's mouth dropped open. Great gales of laughter shook his entire body. He couldn't believe such foolishness existed, although at the same time he found himself admiring the little idiot's fire.

"William, do take care," entreated the old woman, clinging to his arm.

"Mother, leave this to me. Surely even a creature such as this can be reasoned with."

Still giggling, Angelus stepped forward and grabbed the fool by the chin, intending to stun him with a well-chosen quip before devising some entertainingly horrible fate for him. And was struck completely dumb, ensnared by the surprising beauty of the face so close to his

"Reason - " Angelus breathed, feeling a reaction suffusing hisbody which had nothing to do with reason. "Aye, me lad. We're both of us reasonable men. We shall discuss this in me quarters, over me best rum." At the boy's look of worry towards his mother, "Yer ma shall
come to no harm. She'll be under me protection from this moment onward. See to it," he ordered curtly, and Wesley responded with a knowing nod.

Refraining with great difficulty from dragging the boy bodily across the deck, Angelus led the way to his quarters.

Ducking into the small but luxurious cabin, Angelus swaggered over to his writing desk, snagging a broad-bottomed decanter and pouring a generous measure to hand to William, as well as one for himself.

"Cheers," the young man responded grimly, and swallowed a generous draught. Then clapped his hand to his mouth with a distressed _expression before breaking into a fit of coughing and choking.

"There, there, me lad," Angelus stepped closer and rubbed William's back soothingly, asually taking a deep swallow of his own drink. "'Tis strong drink, and takes a bit of getting used to."

The hand rubbed in slowly increasing circles, downward, further down still...

"I say!" William broke free, scandalized, just as Angelus had managed to grab himself a lovely warm handful of the boy's arse.

The pirate captain sighed in forced patience. He placed his glass on the surface of his desk with deliberate carefulness. "Ye do realize," he said mildly, "that ye, and yer ma, are at me mercy? Yer in no position to quarrel whate're terms I care to give ye."

"Terms?" William blanched, his voice quivering. Angelus felt an odd surge of protectiveness toward the fearful little Englishman that in no way diminished his lust. "What t-t-terms?"

"Lord, ye are such an innocent." The pirate's voice was uncharacteristically gentle, even as he stalked toward William like a predator, watching the boy stumble back until he collided with the wall of the cabin. Angelus paused with his face only inches away from that of the trembling young man. He reached up and briefly caressed William's cheekbone before pulling the fragile spectacles from his face and setting them aside. Angelus caught his breath as he stared into unveiled eyes of a hue to rival any ocean. "And ye are such a beauty."

Anger darkened those lovely eyes. "You mock me, sir."

"Nay, I do not," Angelus whispered, sliding his arm around the other man's slim waist, pressing close enough that William could surely feel the proof of his desire bulging desperately against him. William wriggled in panic, trapped and trembling like a little bird in his embrace. Angelus gasped as the boy's movements caused friction between their bodies. Seizing a handful of dark blond hair in his fingers, he pulled William's mouth to his, plundering its depths with his tongue.

When Angelus finally allowed William to pull away, he stared at him wide-eyed, panting through flushed and swollen lips. "You - you kissed me! You mustn't - we are both men - such things are a sin!"

Angelus made a scoffing sound and smiled indulgently. For all William's protests, Angelus could feel the virginal body responding against his in a way which made it evident that he was not altogether unwilling. Given the right incentive, his resistance was sure to melt
quickly away.

"Surely to fail to protect yer own dear mother would be the worse sin?" he inquired, keeping his voice low and soothing. "I'm a fair man, but I'm not known for extendin' ma protection out of the goodness o' me heart. But if yer willin' ta keep me company on ma lonely voyage, t'would be only fair fer me to protect yer ma as well as yerself."

"What do you mean when you say," William seemed to be struck wordless for a few moments before he found his tongue again, "to keep you company?"

"I mean," Angelus' lips curved slightly, as he lowered his mouth so close to William's that he could feel his heat against them. "That I will strip ye naked," he murmured, raising a hand to stroke the front of the tweed waistcoat, "and lay ye in my bed," deftly unfastening
the buttons, feeling William's panting breath against his lips, "and rut with ye like a stallion on a mare. What do ye think o' that?" he inquired mischievously, just as his hand traveled lower.

A shuddering inhalation of air was William's only response.

"Ah. I like the sound o' that."

With that, the pirate captain captured William's mouth hungrily, devouring him with lips and tongue, thrilled at the passionate response of the inexperienced mouth under his. He tightened his arms around William's waist, hoisting him up against his own body.
Carrying him over to the narrow bed, laying him down on the hard mattress without losing contact for more than an instant, he eagerly lowered his own body down onto William.

Angelus gazed at the face so close to his own, seeing William's eyes darkened with need, his _expression filled with unconscious yearning for something he undoubtedly didn't even fully understand. An answering yearning rose in Angelus - to see pleasure on that face, to
know that the young man in his bed enjoyed his attentions as much as he would enjoy giving them.

Therefore, he decided to fight the temptation to simply rip the clothes from William's body and ravish him brutally. Unthreaded the tie from around the slender throat, pressing soft kisses and gentle nips to the skin thus exposed. Sliding the jacket off; letting his
hands drift under the white shirt, against the warm skin of William's back. Feeling happily startled when William leaned forward blindly to kiss him and began to fumble awkwardly with his clothes in a surprisingly bold attempt to remove them.

"Nay, ma love," Angelus murmured, tenderly running his fingers in a soft caress down over William's hip, "let me take care of everythin'." He pulled the shirt over William's head, entranced by the exposure of the lean musculature of the surprisingly well-toned
body. Unable to resist, he lowered his mouth to William's chest, lapping at a small nipple, feeling it harden against his tongue, hearing a sharp gasp in response.

Angelus worked his way down, licking and kissing a path over William's stomach. He pressed his face into the other man's crotch, eliciting low and desperate groans, bringing his hands down to rub and grope the straining bulge before finally unfastening the trousers.

Angelus uttered a soft moan as William's cock was exposed, lovely and springing to attention. He leaned down and captured the head of it in his mouth before he fully realized
what he was doing, pinning the boy's hips down as they helplessly tried to thrust deeper. The taste of William's skin, like warm rain, was an undertone beneath the flavor of the drop of fluid that the tip of Angelus' tongue found in the slit of his cock, bitter as ocean water.

The increasingly active squirming and moaning coming from William brought Angelus back to some level of alertness within his lust-ridden daze, and made him aware that he needed to hasten matters lest both he and William were to bring them to an end prematurely.

Pulling the remainder of William's clothes from his body with great haste, he stood up and divested himself of his own with even more haste. Inwardly pleased at the gasp and fascinated attention with which the man lying on his bed regarded his revealed body, his
rampantly erect cock.

After a hasty search, Angelus laid hands on a jar of herbal salve which he'd purchased in the Indies. Returning to the bed under William's questioning gaze, he set the container aside before grasping the other man's legs, pushing them up gently but insistently until his knees bent and spread.

"Shh, I've got ye," he soothed, seeing that William's eyes were widening in trepidation. "I'll not hurt ye, ma sweet little boy." William only blushed deeply, and didn't look entirely reassured.

Coating his fingers with salve, Angelus reached down and slid them into tight flesh.

William squeaked.

"That feels damned odd," he mumbled sheepishly, in answer to Angelus' questioning frown.

"Tch. You'd complain about this? Try doin' it with someone who has a hook for a hand," Angelus muttered darkly.

William looked at him in blank horror.

"Come now, me lad," Angelus cajoled. "Yer ruinin' the mood. Just relax and enjoy it." He resumed the movement of his fingers again, in and out, watching the boy's eyes lose focus, listening to his breath as it quickened. When William began to moan and wriggle, Angelus
pulled out his fingers out of his arse with a wet plop like the sound of a cork being pulled from a sweet, young bottle of wine. Wild with arousal, he pushed his cock into William's entrance and sheathed himself within the other man's body like a sword within a scabbard.

William squawked. Which strangely did not again interrupt Angelus' passion, as it reminded him of a rather shameful but excitingly illicit incident involving a parrot, back when he was a very young cabin boy, and very very lonely.

"Ah, me sweet boy!" Angelus groaned, thrusting avidly into William's warm, slick arse, quivering like a jellyfish around him. "Ma precious little whore!"

"Oh!" William responded with equal heat. "This is really - rather uncomfortable!"

"Oh! Oh! You'll get used to it. I promise ye," Angelus gasped out between pants and moans, trying to angle his cock just so, as the boy's reaction was rather damaging to his ego. "We'll just have to do it a lot. So you'll get used to it."

"Oh." William frowned doubtfully up into the face of the man above him, whose back and forth motion, he suspected, was making him feel a little seasick. "That's jolly nice of you, I suppose."

"Completely my pleasure."

"Well, that's all right then - gah! Argh!" William's _expression was suddenly feverish with pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head, much like those of the bosun when in the throes of delirium tremens from bad rum. He gripped Angelus around the waist with his legs, trying to force him inward with greater force. "Harder! Ride me! Like a stallion! Like a bullock! Like - like -"

"Like a parrot," moaned Angelus.

"God, yes! Like a parrot!" William shouted fervently. Although, even in the midst of the greatest pleasure he'd ever experienced, he found that a bit odd.

Angelus surged with furious passion into the man underneath him, rolling into him like breakers into sand. Pleasure like lightning bolts striking from massing thunderheads, capsizing the helpless vessels of their bodies like doomed ships. Desire like a tropical storm, just off the east coast, tune in for our live update at 11 - ahem. Where was I? Oh, yeah.

"Oh, yeah," Angelus gasped, his hips thrusting erratically, out of his control, pleasure climbing inexorably within him, closer and closer to the point of no return. He slipped his hand between their bodies, wrapping his fingers around William's silken cock and sliding
them up and down its length. The boy's cries became wilder, his body arching into Angelus' touch, his arse clenching around Angelus' cock.

Then, suddenly, Angelus roared - exploding, igniting, shooting into William like a salvo of cannon fire. Flooding into him like water into the breached hull of a captured cargo ship. Drowning under his assault, William groaned, and shuddered, and shattered into wreckage.
His come spattering like the foam of a breaking wave against Angelus' stomach.

Angelus slumped over William, a weary captain riding his ship into a peaceful port.

"Well. That was a very interesting experience indeed," William mused thoughtfully. "I say, old chap," he tapped Angelus on the shoulder. "Could I trouble you to move? You are rather heavy."

His only answer was a loud snore.

"Oh, bugger."

~ The End ~

go thank   Violet Hamster
and have a look at her other tasty fic at    her live journal

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