Boss by Spikedluv From her "Playing Games" series |
Xander stood behind his desk, leaning over it to review the latest blueprints for his current project, arms extended, hands flat on both ends of the blueprints, holding them smooth so he could study them. A knock on the trailer door interrupted him. He straightened and stretched his back, letting go of the blueprints and allowing them to roll back up. He sighed, checking the clock on the wall above the door. That was probably Bradford, a young kid who just didnt have a head for construction and was on his way out the door. He hated this part of the job. "Come in," he called wearily. The door was pushed open to reveal a slim blond standing on the top step. "Mr. Harris," he said nervously. "Carl said you wanted to see me?" "Yeah, Bradford, come on in," Xander said. "Have a seat." He indicated the scarred wooden chair across from his desk as he dropped heavily into a padded chair that had seen better days. He picked at a piece of loose plastic on the arm as he studied the other mansharp cheek bones, blue eyes, fair skin despite working outside in the sun, slim, nervous hands. He sighed, and bit the bullet. "This your first construction job?" he asked kindly. Eyes that had been skittering about the trailer glanced at him, and then locked on something fascinating on the top of the desk. "Yeah," he said. "But Im a quick learner." "Im sure you are," Xander said. "But you also happen to be a bit...clumsy. Carl tells me we had to replace a drywall you fell through, you dropped a 2x4 from three stories up that almost landed on Steve, and you nearly nailed your hand with the nail gun. Yesterday." Bradford blushed. "I-I can explain all that," he said hesitantly. "It wasnt my fault. Sir." Xander waved his hand in consent "Okay," he said slowly. "Explain." "I dont think the other guys like me," he started softly. "They keep playing practical jokes on me." "Why didnt you say anything?" Xander asked, concerned. "I figured they were just hazing the new guy, and it would eventually stop," Bradford said. "How long have you been here?" Xander asked, digging for a file folder beneath the blueprints and flipping it open. "Three weeks," Bradford replied. "And theyre still hazing you?" The blond paused. "Yes," he admitted, embarrassed. "I thought I could handle it." "Okay, continue," Xander urged. "Well, yesterday was worse than usual. I was carrying a load of lumber with Gary, and he backed me into a pile of scrap. Thats when I tripped and went through the drywall. Then Jim...," he paused. "Go on," Xander encouraged. Bradford blushed. "Jim...swatted my bum, and thats why I dropped the 2x4. Then Milt blew in my ear while I was nailing..." Xander felt his lips twitch and pressed them together to keep from smiling. He forced a blank look onto his face, reminding himself he had to remain serious. "Sounds like the men need a...stern talking to," he admitted. "However, that doesnt change the fact that these accidents are costing the company money." He held up his hand to keep Bradford from speaking. "Not only in supplies, and work having to be redone, but in possible insurance costs, both health and liability." "But, Sir!" Bradford cried out. "I need this job. You cant fire me for something that wasnt my fault." Xander didnt look impressed. "The bottom line is, I cant have you out there on the construction site. Youre an accident waiting to happen. Whether its your fault or theirs." The other man slumped in his chair, a dejected expression on his face. "What am I going to do?" he asked plaintively. Xanders eyes caught on BradfordsWill, he remembered from reading his filelips as the other man nervously chewed them. Unexpectedly, his cock jumped in his jeans. "Can you type?" he asked suddenly, and Will jerked his head up at the seemingly out-of-the-blue question. "Sir?" "Can you type?" he repeated. "Uh, yeah, a little bit," the blond replied. "High school typing." "Answer phones?" "Yeah." "File?" "Um, you mean just alphabetical stuff? Yeah." "Make coffee?" "Im a tea...yeah." "I need an assistant," Xander said. "To help me out in here." He waved his hand about, indicating the stacks of paper piled haphazardly about the trailer. Will scratched his head. "Youre gonna keep me on?" he asked. "As your secretary?" He frowned. "Assistant," Xander corrected. "I think this solution works for both of us," he added, looking the other man over carefully. "I need an assistant, you need a job, and we all need you to not be out there." He pointed towards the wall that separated them from the construction site. Xander leaned back in his chair and watched carefully as the other man considered his offer. He wasnt sure why hed made ithed never made a decision with his prick before. Well, always a first time for everything, he thought. He stood and walked around the desk, stopping next to Wills chair and sitting his butt on the desk, legs crossed at the ankles, hands gripping the edge of the desk as he watched the other man expectantly. A myriad of expressions crossed his face as he worried his lips nervously. "You have beautiful lips," Xander said softly. Wills eyes got big and his mouth dropped open. "Uh, wh-wha?" he stammered. "Just so were clear," Xander continued in that same soft voice, "youre responsibilities will include running messages to the site, filing, typing, answering phones, making coffee, and any other...assistance...I might find myself in need of." He reached out and brushed a knuckle over Wills lips. "Understand?" Will stared at Xander in confusion, and then his eyes grew round with understanding. They dropped to Xanders groin and bounced away quickly when he saw the bulge in his jeans. He licked his lips nervously, accidentally grazing Xanders finger with his tongue. He blushed and pulled back. "But I-Im not...like that," he managed to get out, blinking at Xander innocently. Xander smiled at him. Really the man was gorgeous. He was hard just thinking about him, and from that soft, too brief touch of his tongue against his finger. He wondered why he hadnt thought of this before. "That doesnt matter," he said supportively. "Youre a quick learner."
Xander pushed away from the desk and walked around it, glancing up at the clock as he went. "Shift starts in eight minutes," he said, not looking at Will as he unrolled the blueprints to resume his study of them. "You have until then to decide." It took all his effort to keep his hands and arms from shaking as he held the blueprints flat, waiting for Will to say or do something. The man sat frozen in the chair until the hand on the clock ticked its way to starting time. Will rose from his chair and Xander looked up at him, trying to keep his expression neutral. "I need this job," Will said dejectedly. Xander refrained from laughing in relief and dancing with excitement. Just. He picked up his coffee cup and held it out to Will. "Dump this and get me fresh," he said, and then turned back to the blueprints as though nothing unusual had happened. Once the steaming hot cup of coffee was on his desk, Xander set Will to sorting the first pile of papers that needed to be filed. He tried to concentrate on the prints in front of him, but thoughts of the use to which he planned to soon put Wills beautiful mouth filled his mind and kept his body on edge. Xander leaned back in his chair and watched Wills back as the other man attempted to make sense of the stacks of paper before him. His bleached blond hair was short and left his neck bare. Xander had an undeniable urge to place his lips there. He stood, not taking his eyes off Will. At the sound of his chair rolling back, Wills shoulders stiffened. He continued sorting and didnt look his way, but Xander knew the other man was aware of every step he took. Xander stopped behind him, placed his hands on the back of the chair, and leaned down so his breath tickled Wills ear. "Hows it going?" he asked softly. "Good, good," Will replied, a little too loudly, a little too quickly, unable to hide the trembling of his hands. "Good," Xander said, drawing the word out, and then gave in to temptation and placed a light kiss on the back of Wills neck. The blond jumped nervously. "I, um, Im not done with this...," he stammered, holding up a piece of paper that shook. Xander took the paper and tossed it on the table. "That can wait," he replied, his voice husky with desire. He twirled Wills seat around, lifting one leg up and over so he was straddling the other mans thighs, and then seated himself on Wills lap. He rested his elbows on the back of the chair, leaning in close to Wills face. "This cant," he said, and then lightly brushed his lips over Wills. Will whimpered and tried to pull away. Xander placed his hands on either side of Wills head and held him still. "Dont fight me," he breathed heavily, and then licked the other mans lips. "Mmm, you taste so good," Xander murmured as he licked and nibbled his way across Wills closed lips. Wills hand came up between them, pushing ineffectually at Xanders chest. "Please," he groaned. "Ive never..." Xander took the opportunity to slip his tongue into the other mans mouth. Will moaned, the vibration around Xanders tongue going straight to his groin, and then bucked up in an attempt to dislodge Xander. The move brought their groins into contact, and Will whimpered. Xander groaned. God, that felt amazing! His arm went around Wills neck and he increased the pressure against the other mans mouth as he rubbed their groins together. "Youre gorgeous," Xander mumbled as he pulled back to place a line of kisses along Wills jaw and down his throat, letting his tongue taste the other mans skin, licking and sucking. "No," Will moaned, "no..." He tipped his head back, even as he attempted to deny Xander, baring his throat, and dug his fingers into Xanders chest. Xander growled and sucked harder on Wills throat, determined to leave a mark. Xander felt Wills hardness pressing into his. He eagerly slipped his hand between them and unzipped Wills jeans, reached inside and found his swollen flesh, then pulled it out so he could play with it. "Knew you were a quick learner," he teased against Wills neck, drawing a loose fist up the other mans length, and then running his thumb over the head that was peeking out from his foreskin. Wills free hand gripped his thigh and squeezed. Xander reluctantly pulled away from Wills neck and leaned back, looking down to watch his hand move over Wills shaft. "You have such a pretty cock," he purred. Will gurgled wordlessly. Xander smiled knowingly and tightened his grip. Wills mouth dropped open, his entire body trembling beneath Xanders. "Gonna do such nasty things with this cock," Xander promised wickedly, pulling firmly. "Gonna make you cum in so many ways, so many times... Bet you taste delicious." Xander ran his thumb over the head and beneath the foreskin, collecting pre-cum. He slowly brought his thumb to his mouth and licked it, then stuck it in his mouth and suckled it clean. Wills breathing increased and he bit his bottom lip at the sight, moaning happily when Xander returned his hand to his penis. Xander smiled. Coming to work just took on a whole new meaning. He had a sudden desire to see the other man naked. "Take your shirt off," he commanded softly. Will, lost in the sensation of Xanders hand stroking him, moved to obey without thought. He unbuttoned the light flannel shirt he wore over his t-shirt and slid it off his shoulders, pulling his arms out. It hung limply over the back of the chair, the cuffs dragging on the floor. Xanders breath caught at the sight of the blue t-shirt pulled taut over Wills chest. He ran a thumb over one of the other mans nipples and watched it pebble. Will whimpered when Xanders attention wandered and the hand on his cock slowed down. He cupped Xanders hips, fingers clenching desperately. Xander slipped his hand beneath the t-shirt and Will sucked in a breath when his fingers trailed over the other mans belly. "Take the t-shirt off," Xander said. Will struggled to lean forward and lift the t-shirt so he could peel it off. As he raised his arms to pull it over his head, Xander bent forward and licked an exposed nipple. Will whimpered. Xander sucked on him, then bit down. Will dropped the shirt and his hands cupped Xanders head to him. Xander raised his head and looked at Wills flushed face. "Jeans," he said hoarsely. He *really* wanted to taste the other man, to watch his face when he came. Will stared back at him with glazed eyes that slowly cleared. "This is wrong," he whispered despairingly. "How can it be wrong when it feels so good?" Xander asked. He moved his mouth to Wills other nipple and kept up a steady stroke on his penis. He thought he heard Wills whispered, "Lead me not into temptation..." Xander carefully forced the fingers of his free hand between Wills thighs and tickled his balls through the denim. Will gasped, and his hands moved quickly to the waistband of his jeans, making short work of the belt buckle and button, then laid the denim open. "Spread your legs, Will," Xander whispered, lifting his weight off the other man. Will spread his legs and Xander slipped his hand inside, cupping the other mans scrotum. He rolled and squeezed, pulled and stroked, watching Wills face as his body reacted to Xanders touch as both hands worked him. Wills body stiffened, the muscles in his neck corded, and he trembled as his balls tightened in Xanders hand, then his cock twitched before shooting its load all over the blonds belly. While Will gasped and shuddered in aftershock, Xander released his softening penis and wiped two fingers through the sticky fluid, then brought them to his mouth. The bitter salty flavor of the man exploded on his tongue. He caught Will watching him with a dazed expression on his face. "You taste so good," he said. Xander brought his fingers to Wills mouth. "Taste yourself." Will shook his head. Xander wiped both fingers over the other mans closed lips, and then placed them in his mouth and sucked them clean. When Will still hadnt moved to lick the cum off his lips, Xander leaned forward and licked them, making sure hed removed every drop of the other mans semen, then shoved his tongue into Wills mouth and kissed him ravenously. He grabbed Wills head and ran his fingers through hair already mussed by removal of the t-shirt. "My turn," he whispered against swollen lips. Will looked at him, eyes wide with understanding. "Undo my jeans," Xander instructed. Will shook his head. Xander smiled and nodded, said, "Oh, yes, my pretty boy. Youre my assistant, so assist me. Wanna feel your hand on my prick. Your lovely mouth. Your tight ass. Now be a good boy and do as I say. You wanna be a good assistant, dont you?" Xander purred. With a distressed whimper, Will unbuttoned and unzipped Xanders jeans. "Take me out," Xander whispered excitedly. Will awkwardly pulled him out and held him in his hand. "Thats right, touch me, gently, like youd touch yourself. Oh, good boy, yes." Xander reluctantly pushed Wills hands away, afraid hed cum before experiencing everything he wanted from the other man, and stood. He pulled Wills head forward and rubbed the head of his penis over Wills lips. Will looked up at him in wide-eyed fear. "Open your mouth," Xander instructed. Will shook his head again. Xanders eyes narrowed. "Lick it," he said firmly. Will stuck a tentative tongue out and licked the tip. Xander thought his legs would give out. "Lick it all over," he commanded breathlessly. Will obeyed, covering the head with saliva. "Now suck on it, just like a lollipop," Xander said. Will opened his mouth, took Xander in, and sucked. "Oh, good boy," Xander moaned. "Use your tongue, thats it. You do have a pretty mouth. Okay, take a little bit more." Xander slowly pushed more of his penis into Wills mouth. The blond gamely sucked, even when his eyes began to water and he choked as Xanders cock touched the back of his throat. Xander felt his nuts tightening, but he didnt want to cum in Wills mouth when there was such a tight, virgin ass waiting for him. He slowly pulled out and Wills teeth scraped over him. Xander gasped and the other man quickly turned eyes full of anxiety and apology up at Xander. "Thats all right," Xander assured him, "youll do better next time." Will looked relieved. "And if you dont, Ill have to punish you." Will paled. Xander stepped back. "Take your jeans off." "S-Sir?" Will stammered. "You heard me, Will." He brushed a thumb over Wills lips. "Youve shown yourself to be a quick learner so far, such a good assistant, dont disappoint me now." Will removed his work boots and then stood and pushed his jeans down over slender hips. Xander stroked himself as he watched Will. Not too much, since he was close, but enough to keep the fire in his nuts burning. After Will had dropped the jeans onto the floor with the t-shirt, Xander told him to put his work boots back on. When Will stood before him in nothing but a pair of tan work boots and white socks, Xander took a moment to look him over. Despite being slim, the other man was toned and well-formed. Will turned in place when Xander indicated, and he salivated at the sight of tight buttocks. He couldnt wait to get his hands, not to mention tongue and dick, on them. Xander led him over to the scarred wooden chair before the desk and bent him over the back, placing his hands on the arms. "Hold on tight, now," he warned, "cause Im gonna rock your world." Will trembled. "No, Sir, please," he begged as Xander kicked his feet apart. Xander ignored his entreaty and stepped back, the better to view the delicacy laid before himall that pale skin, the virgin pucker winking at him, and the cock and balls hanging heavy between his legs. Will was spread like a banquet, waiting only for him to partake of it. He groaned and dropped his hand from his cock, afraid hed cum before sheathing himself inside the beckoning hole. He stepped up behind Will and dropped to his knees. He needed to taste the other man now. Gently grasping his cheeks, Xander pulled them apart and stared hungrily at the twitching ring of muscle. "Sir, Ive never...," Will moaned, and then cried out when Xanders tongue touched him. "N-never..." Xander licked him again, and he gasped. "Oh, god!" Xander licked, and sucked, and nibbled until Will was babbling and his legs were shaking. He shoved his tongue inside the now-eager hole and Will wailed, shuddering as Xander tongued him. Xander wanted to savor the taste of the other man, but knew he didnt have long before he exploded. He grabbed the hand balm from the bathroom sink and scooped some out before tossing the jar aside. Will was looking back at him over his shoulder, eyes hazy, expression a combination of concern and anticipation. Oh, yeah, the man was gonna love this, Xander thought. "Im gonna make you feel so good," he promised as he warmed the balm between his fingers and then slathered it between Wills cheeks. Will jumped at the odd sensation, and while he was distracted Xander slipped one finger inside him. Will was so hot and snug around his finger, Xander couldnt wait to feel him tight around his cock. He carefully moved his finger in and out, twisting it, stretching the opening, and then stroked Wills prostate. Will cried out. Xander brushed his finger back and forth over the swollen nub until Will was shaking and keening, and then added a second. He could tell that Will was lost in the sensation of pleasure as Xander worked his ass, and he took advantage of that, alternately stroking his prostate to keep him worked up, and stretching him. "You like that, dont you?" he teased. "Like my fingers in your ass, fucking you. Such a good assistant. Tell you what, your ass squeezes my cock like its squeezing my fingers, might even give you a bonus," Xander promised. When Xander was able to easily work three fingers in and out of him, he removed them and wiped the remaining balm over his cock. "Gonna fuck you now," he said, barely able to keep himself from babbling, he was so excited. Will looked fearfully back at him over his shoulder. "I cant!" he said, glancing at Xanders penis. "Th-thats not gonna fit inside me. Its too big!" "Dont worry, Will," Xander said soothingly as he placed the head of his cock against the other mans stretched hole. "Ive stretched you, and youll stretch more to fit. Itll just hurt a little bit at first, and then itll feel so good. Promise," he said, and pressed, pausing after the head popped in so that Will could adjust. "You okay?" Xander asked, running his hands over Wills back in an attempt to keep himself from shoving the rest of the way inside the other man before he was ready. "Ohh!" Will cried. "Thats...youre so *big*! It hurts." "Itll get better," Xander said. "Relax." He continued to rub Wills back calmingly. "Tell me when youre ready," he said, and waited for Will to nod. "O-okay," the other man said. Xander gripped Wills hips and pushed steadily until he was fully sheathed in the blonds ass. "Oh, Christ!" Xander cried, breathing heavily. "Youre so tight, Will. Im gonna love fucking your ass." He bent over Wills back and placed a kiss between his shoulder blades, then whispered in his ear, "Gonna fuck you every day, Will. Your mouth, your ass. If youre a good boy, Ill keep you all for myself, but if youre a bad boy, Ill open the door and let the guys watch. I know they wanted this," Xander paused to slap Wills ass and the other man grunted, "but its mine, now." Just as Xander readied himself to give Will the reaming of his life, the phone rang. Will stiffened beneath him. Xander whispered, "Dont make a sound, now," then pressed the button that would place the call on speaker phone, and proceeded to fuck Will as he took the call. Xander straightened behind Will and moved slowly in and out of him as he spoke to the man on the phone, teasing them both. Will was trembling, and he could see that he was struggling to remain silent. Christ, he wanted nothing more than to slam into Will and hear him gasp and grunt and beg until he couldnt string two words together. Unable to control himself, he started pumping his hips faster, driving deeper and harder into Will until they were both biting their lips to keep from making a sound and he could barely concentrate on the phone conversation. He wasted no time after the caller hung up, driving into Will and telling him how good he felt and how hard Xander was gonna make him cum. Will screamed as Xander reached around him and fisted his penis. He began to move frantically, fucking himself onto Xanders cock and into his hand. Will stiffened and pushed back one last time as he came once more. Xander reveled in the sound of Wills raspy breathing, the sight of his body straining beneath him, the feel of his cock pulsing in his hand, his internal muscles tightening around his own prick. Unable to hold back any longer, Xander came with a yell, filling Will with his spunk. *** "Bloody...Hell," Spike groaned. "Yeah, that was good," Xander agreed breathlessly from his place draped over Spikes back. "Good?" Spike yelped. "That was better n good. I havent been fucked that hard since...I cant remember when." "That time behind the bushes in the park during patrol?" Xander suggested muzzily. "Oh, yeah," Spike agreed with a laugh. "You did me good then." "See? Good," Xander said as he straightened and carefully pulled out of Spike. He wet a cloth at the sink and cleaned himself up, rinsed it out and turned to Spike...who was standing with his hands on his hips. "Clumsy?" he grated. Xander blushed, and then narrowed his eyes. "Swatted your bum?" "Got a nice bum, dont I?" Spike asked with a pout. Xanders eyes widened. "Hey! You used your teeth!!" Spike grinned. "Didnt know what I was doin, now did I?" he asked cheekily. "Me bein a virgin to male sex and all." They were silent while Xander wiped Spike off. When he was done he tucked himself in and did up his jeans, watching as Spike got dressed. Spike raised an eyebrow. "What was with the boots?" he asked. Xander blushed and smiled shyly. "I was inspired," he said. "Inspired?" Spike asked. "Oh, yeah," Xander said, nodding. "You were fucking hot in those boots." "That right?" Spike asked with a look that said he was storing that information away for later use. "So, howd you manage to get Giles to call?" he asked as they stood outside the trailer on the site where Xander worked while he locked up. "Now *that* was inspired!" Xander grinned. "Told him I was working late and asked him to call to make sure I didnt fall asleep at the desk." "No chance of that, though, right?" Spike responded silkily. "No chance at all," Xander agreed, taking Spikes hand as they walked through the dark to the car parked on the street.
The End
thank Spikedluv
and have a look at her other tasty fic at http://www.livejournal.com/~spikedluv/ |