Recommended Fiction



   alphabetcially by author       

In the Dead of the Night
by Buddy

Sooner or later you have to take what you want.
Set in season 7, total PWP .


    The Road to Poofdom
by Bytemi

Talented Boy


There’s a power outage. Xander can’t sleep. Spike helps .


by Ladycat

A predator is on the prowl again.

See the Quarry manips gallery here

Dirty Talk
by Margie

The title says it all - it's dirty - go find a secluded corner and enjoy.


Episode 23
by Melissa

Spike and Xander get together... and come together..  .
and we all need a cigarette afterwards. 
The episode that was never made and that we all wanted to see!  



A Puppy is For Ever
by nashmaveric

One of Willow's potions meets with Xander: the boy thinks he's a dog and that Spike's his Master.


by rubywisp

The boys go dancing. Plans go awry.




Cowboys and Kilts
by Spikedluv

There's a fancy-dress party and Xander has to persuade Spike to enjoy himself.


Dirty Pool
by Spikedluv

Spike and Xander, dirty talk, and smut.  


Playing Games _ Boss
by Spikedluv

Because boys will be boys.

by Spikedluv
see gallery

Saying Sorry
by Spurglie

When the past catches up, you have to take a different view of the present.  

Rating: R


Night Watch  
The Webrain

Xander is the insomniac, Spike's the hot cocoa.  


see new manip here

Good Cop Gone Bad
by Wyrdchaos

Out on a lonely road, a motorist gets pulled over for speeding. 




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