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Quarry by Ladycat |
Hed almost forgotten what it was like, stalking prey. He was never one for artistry the way his teachers had beentoo much effort for not that much reward. But all things were relative, and now it was all about the effort. The slow, gradual touches. The random events carefully orchestrated to drive his prey towards the intended goal. This wasnt a quick smash and grab, oh no. This wasnt all about the moment, a burst of heat and light and spine-tingling pleasure that melded into a string of those moments, the in-between times fading with the casualness of an unthinking creature. Spike liked to think hed have reached this place regardless. He was the favored hunting partner of Angeluswell, were Angelus not trapped and fractured under the weight of the souland that meant hed obviously had a secret love for this kind of game, despite his preference for the quicker, brasher, louder forms hed perfected. Which hed go back in an instant, if it werent for the buggering chip. Not that the chase wasnt entertainingbut hed made a conscious choice when Angelus disappeared and Darla abandoned them as being worthless: away went everything his elders had taught him, scorning it the way theyd scorned him. Sheer habit made him uncomfortable with what he was doing. But it did have its own particular pleasures. Boredom was a primary factor in the chipped life. Spike hated being bored. The telly was passingly amusing in a mindless kind of way, the same as Harmony when she wanted a bit of rough. Annoying the Slayer was always a good time had by all, but she was starting to lose patience with him. His nose wasnt pleased with the constant attention she paid to it, so a new plaything was needed. Spike had thought long and hard on what he wanted to do. He could go after the witch, of course. Shed make a tasty little treat, no question, and he knew that she was attracted to him, gay now protestations aside. Vampires had better noses then the keenest of blood-hounds and Spike prided himself on having an affinity for finding that particular scent. Well, he was so often the cause of it. . . But oh, shed break like pretty china under his hand. Creeping vines working under that glossy patina of her desire to help, to be good, to always do the right thing, pleasing everyone but herself. Oh, Spike could make such merry mayhem with her by his side. The darkness in all the Slayers friendsand the Slayer herselffascinated Spike and hed planned out just how hed break and remake each one of those California-touched teenagers. Even the witchs new girl, with her shield of wispy strands of hair and the dark eyes that could be more cruel and seductive then Drus ever were. But in the end, it came down to the two Spike had known it would. The chance to corrupt the Slayers golden goodness was strong, but Spike wasnt interested in being the weaker in this game. Oh, no. Spike would be the hunter again, his prey properly submissive by the time Spike took his reward. And then. . . well, if Spike did this right, the possibilities were endless. * * * * * * Xander, its not because you arent dating anyone, Willow said. Its just, you know, it makes the most sense. We paired you with him before Anya left, too! She immediately flushed guiltily at that faux paus, making sad eyes at Xander, her time-worn manner of oops, Im just a little girl, please dont be mad at me, you big strong man-thing you. Xander wasnt having any of it, this night. Thanks. Remind me of how useless I am and oh, hey, lets throw on some sexual humiliation on top of it! Fuming, Xander hurled something away from him in a useless display of testosterone. Anya had left in a nuclear explosion of insults, the fall-out leaving Xander jittery and sensitive. Come on, Will. Its your turn to tell me that Im a bad friend, that I never treat you right, and that I dont accept being used and abused with a proper, manly meekness! So sorry I have a problem with being your punching bag and pooper-scooper, all in fucking one. The girls watched Xander disappear into his sector of the cemetery in stunned silence. Pooper-scooper? Willow asked faintly. Buffy shrugged. She was less concerned with Xanders fragile egoand with proper nudging, could distract Willow and Tara into forgetting emergency cookies or trips to the cinema. Xanders still just wigged about Anya. Hell get over it. Looking doubtful, Tara took a few steps forward. M-maybe one of us should go with him? He sounded really upset, this time. Oh, yeah. Thats gonna strike fear in the heart of vamps everywhere. Spike actually liked Tara, but she was the most persistent in Xander-comfortingexcept in the face of insults. Glinda the good witch whos too timid to call up her mojo, and the Scarecrow. Youd be dead in ten minutes. Tara flushed and Willow clasped her hand, glaring angrily at Spike. Well, then, youd better go after him and make sure he doesnt get hurt, she ordered. Shed been getting snappy with those as Buffy focused more and more on the tall stalk of corn she was currently waiting for. Tara, honey, dont listen to Spike. Hes a poop-head. And youre a shining example of a grown woman, he snarled back. What with that advance vocabulary and all. And confirming the boys complaint from before, though Spike doubted Willow would put two and two together. She was a frighteningly smart little thing, but still remarkably dense, sometimes. Useful. When Willow opened her mouth to retort, Buffy slashed her hand through the air. Spike! Stop pretending youre bothering us and go make sure Xanders okay! So decided, the Slayer immediately started wondering where her boyfriend was and Willow predictably rushed to comfort her. God bless selfish teenagers, Spike thought. He knew Xander wasnt in any troubleboy was cussing a blue streak as he wandered through the graveyard. He wasnt patrolling so much as hanging a giant good eats sign over his neck, but Spike knew nothing would go near him. Hed made sure of that. Xanders reputation as a demon-magnet wasnt unfounded, but Spikes judicious application of his fists to various parts of various demons anatomy had convinced them to try after Spike was done with him. Which wont be soon, oh no. Were in this for the long haul, arent we, Xander? You just dont know it yet. Leaving the girls to bemoan men who could never be on time, and wasnt the military, like, supposed to punish lateness, Spike headed after his prey. Xander slowed down when Spike approached, waiting for him. He had to hide a smirk as Xander started ranting at him; habit was such a useful training tool. And Spike had worked damned hard for certain things to become habit. Like the way Xander walked close to Spike, shoulders occasionally brushing. And the way, if Spike paused at some noise, Xander always moved slightly behind Spike, waiting for his all-clear to start moving again. Theyd done this a hundred times and more, Spike carefully mixing insults and praise until Xander didnt think about it anymore. Spike was considered Xanders protector, whether or not Xander was conscious of that knowledge. Of course, hed had to bully a bunch of lesser demons to encourage the belief, but that had been a lot of funboth the forcing and the protecting. And is there anything in particular that were looking for tonight? Because no one tells me anything. Its just Xander, make sure you show up at the cemetery after work, today. You know, the work I was fired from two days ago, that no one seems to remember me talking about. I think I miss my head on a plate guy. The creepy eyeball hanging out isnt a good look, but at least he heard me when I said something. But now its just dont worry, Xander, Anya didnt mean it. I think when she announced that infants had bigger dicks to an entire restuarant she kinda meant it. And thats another thingdo you know how many people were at that restaurant? This is a small town. Word travels fast. So now Im known far and wide as Xander, the Tiny Dick. Thanks, Anya. Way to make getting on with my life even possible without moving out of Sunnydale. If it hasnt managed to hit other towns, too. Spike let the boy get it out of his systemhed be too consumed with it, otherwise. And Spike had to admit, Anyas breakup had been particularly humiliating. It almost made Drus cuckolding look classy in comparison. He murmured and commented in all the right places while Xander spoke, focused mainly on making sure they touched every other stepshoulder and arm and as Xander started to wind down, fingers. That was tricky. The first time hed done it, weeks ago now, Xander had jumped like hed stepped on a live-wire, glaring at Spike and tossing off some quip about no lookee, no touchee. But now Xander didnt seem to mind when their knuckles skimmed against each other, or the way Spikes thumb-ring would sometimes brush against the palm of his hand. It was normal. Natural. Expected. So? Xander was breathing evenly now, anger fully purged. Whats the ooged-boogedy for tonight? Nest of something rat-like. Theyre munching on the summer tourists, after pickin em dry. I said we should just let them alonea tourists natural predator, thatbut Buffys got to make the world safe for pasty New Englanders hunting for wine country in the wrong part of the bloody state. Actually, there is a winery near here. Its okay if you want to clean something or enjoy drinking vinegar. Xander grinned at him, his fingers momentarily curling around Spikes. Such a good, malleable boy he was. So, rat-like demons who target tourists. How do they know their targets are tourists? Spike raised his eyebrow, waiting for the amused laugh that was now reserved only for him. It rolled out right on schedule, warm and inclusive and appreciative. Yeah, okay, the mu-mus and the fanny packs pretty much give it away. See? Knew you could figure it out on your own. Rewarding the boy with a stroke along the back of his hand, Spike scanned the area around them. These demons were more serious then he was implying, and their newness meant Spike could get a nice fight in. It was one of the downsides of patrolling with Xanderit was getting harder and harder to find demons ballsy enough to take them on. Here, why dont you wait a moment. Hawaiian shirts look touristy to me. Huh? Oh, right. Xander immediately stripped out of his brightly colored monstrositypineapples and palm trees on yellow, dear godstuffing it awkwardly into his jeans pocket. Okay, so its not exactly hidden, but thatll help, right? Spike smiled. It wasnt a very nice smile, but. . . Xander, in nothing but a pair of jeans and a beat up undershirt thats a bit on the small side? Thatll help lots, duckling. Help remind me why wearing the duster year-round is a good thing. Much better. Look like a proper townie, now. Xander made a face, but the smile continued to lurk around his eyes. Banter between them had lost the angry edge months ago and was more of an art, now. So I wait here? Yeah, that soundserk! Spiked wondered why Rupert was arming them with axes when describing this brand new menace. Shouldnt they have rat-traps or something more appropriate? Little baggies of poisoned rat-treats? Rupert had done his long-suffering imitation of one of those Nike commercialsor was just do it Reebok?and since the Slayer was whining enough on her own, Spike had let it go. Now he understood. He mightvebugger!mentioned that these were four fucking feet high rat-things! he complained. Chittering mouths with long teeth, flat, dark eyes, bug-infested fur, and a tail as opposable as their paws, the demons were more of a fight then Spike had expected. Not dangerously so, since there were only five of the things, but it did mean that Xander needed to help to. Spike didnt like that at all. Hed managed to hack two of the things to death when he smelled it. Blood. Xanders blood. A few seconds later he heard Xander start cursing. These were my last pair of good jeans youyourat! Snickering, Spike dispatched the third in time to see Xander try and skewer his opponent with a sword. Where hed gotten a sword Spike had no clue, but he clearly had no idea how to use it. The demon knocked it out of his hands after the first clumsy stabbing, and clawed Xanders arm when the boy scrambled around to pick the blade back up. Snarling at the increased smell of blood, Spike leaped over to his side, taking care of both remaining demons with a mighty heave of his ax. Well, he took care of the fourth. The fifth Xander managed to stab a few times and wouldve died pretty soon. But it looked pretty heroic and rescue-y. Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit! Hush. Lemme look at it. Manhandling Xander over to a convenient headstone, Spike lifted his leg with gentle hands. The jeans were a lost cause and Spike didnt like the look of the dark flecks around the edges of the wound, but otherwise it wasnt bad. The cut itself was actually pretty shallow. Xander protested when he lifted the leg higher, balancing it on his bent knee. I said hush, now, Spike reprimanded in a soft, soothing voice. Come on, now, Xander. Just listen to me like a good boy and I promise Ill make it all better for you. Snot so bad, just a bit of a cut. He probed the edges, pleased when Xander inhaled sharply but otherwise remained calm. Think you can walk on it, pet? Hmm? Xander eased onto his feet, noddingbut he didnt object when Spike wrapped an arm around his waist, either. Now the arm. The same black stuff clung to that wound, which was also on the shallow side. I dont think they were very clean, Xander said woefully, looking down at his arm. Then well clean you up, pet. Ive got some stuff back at my crypt, come on. Lean on me if the leg hurts, Ive got you. He kept up a steady stream of reassurances as they walked. It was tricky, balancing the low, soothing voice without it sounding too condescending and forcing Xander to get offended. But Xander didnt get offended, leaning against his side with a trust Spike had spent the entire summer expressly focused on building. Thats right. Just let me take care of it. I should go home, Xander protested when the crypt was in view. I mean, Ive got stuff. . . Got the same stuff too, and look, its right over there. Come on. My couch is comfier then yours, anyway. Spike loved college kids. Spent a fortune on crap they couldnt keep at the end of term and then usually junked it rather than trying to sell it off. Spike had managed to furnish a great deal of his cryptincluding said comfy couch and a gigantic bedby trolling the campus dump. Yeah, but Spike affected an annoyed expression. What, not good enough to put a bandage on you? No! I mean, I just Xander floundered for a way to explain his reluctance, the combination of the pain of his injuries and Spikes daze-inducing monologue leaving him blinking and slow. I should go home, oror find Buffy. . . Why? Demons are already dead, pet. And were already here, ducks, just a few more steps. Then Ill fix you up, quick as a blink. Come on. . . Inside the crypt, Spike was careful never to leave Xanders side for too long or be silent when he had to. This was the most perfect opportunity hed had in weeks, and Xander was as prepared as he was going to be andAnd Im not that patient a vampire, dammit. Been enjoyin this set up, sure, but I want some kind of pay-off and I want it bloody now. Decided, Spike removed the boys shoes, socks, and pants before tugging him practically in his lap while he cleaned the wounds. The black stuffdirt, probably, though it smelled funnycame off cleanly. Satisfied Xander wasnt going to get gangrene or anything, he picked up the numbing cream hed nicked and worked some of that in before bandaging the wounds. It wouldnt stop the pain totally, but it would let it settle in the back of Xanders mind, which Spike needed if he was going to pull this off. See? All that yammering for nothing, he teased, voice pitched low. Shouldve just let me take care of you without a fuss. Xanders legs were over his lap, body slightly twisted so Spike could take care of the arm at the same time. His eyes were half-closed from the loss of adrenaline and Spikes continuous speaking, and he smiled a little when Spike started stroking his side. It was sooner than Spike usually started the touching part of their movie or post-patrol nights, but Xanders silent acceptance told him he wasnt moving too fast. Good. Rubbing over that warm, solid muscle pleased Spike as much as it did Xanderand not just because it meant the boy stayed pliant and calm. Tired? Sorta. Xanders eyes opened and turned towards the tv. Wanna watch a movie? Sure. Spike rose and found the disc hed been planning on using, popping it into the dvd player hed nicked. Hed actually paid money for the dvdhad to order it special, which meant finding the cash to send the company. Mind if I take mboots off? he asked casually, fiddling with the player. Since youre practically naked already, sonly fair. That woke Xander up a tiny bitbut only a tiny bit, Spike noted with pleasure. Hanging around with Spike post-patrol was something Spike had encouraged gradually, reminding Xander that the girls shouldnt know they were being so friendly out of sightthey both had reputations to maintain. Xander had agreed faster then Spikes ego liked, but he didnt want the Slayer to know that Spike was stalking one of her friendsshe was so bloody tenacious. Reminded him of himself. I dont suppose youve got clothes I could borrow? Xander looked over at his blood-stained and torn jeans. Cause these are wasted. Dont think your great hammy legs are going to fit into my clothes, pet. Dont worry about it. Youve got boxers, thats something at least, and Ill lend you my duster when we walk home, all right? Assuming that meant acceptance, Spike removed his boots and socks and quickly unbuttoned the top button of his jeans while his back was turned. Youre not cold or anything now, are you? Nah. So whatre we watching? Spike sat down, very pleased when Xander immediately put his legs back in Spikes lap, ass pressed up against his thigh. Greedy, he teased. Youre like a floppy-haired cat. And its a surprise, just watch. This was a special movie, one Spike had searched for as soon as he knew that it was Xander he was going to target. One that started out like a typical action flick, with maybe a touch more character interaction then was strictly necessary. One that looked high quality, A-list material, if full of unknown actors. Xander watched attentively, unconcerned when Spike started touching him again. Not unnoticinghe would murmur in appreciation or dismay, depending on what Spike was doing, and he did freeze in surprise when Spike moved his fingers to the crease between hip and thigh, perilously close to Xanders cockbut calmly accepting and enjoying the attention. Letting Spike touch him wherever Spike wanted, like the good little prey Spike knew he was. When the two main characters started kissing, no cheesy porno music to make it silly, just two hot guys directed by a man who knew how porn should look, Xander went very still. He continued watching and Spike continued touching him. When the kissing turned into groping on the television, Xander made a wet noise in his throat, Adams apple bobbingand he started getting hard. Thats right, pet. Follow the nice trail of bread crumbs; Ive got a pressie for you waiting at the end. This isnt a problem, is it? Spikes voice was barely audible over the sounds coming from the tv. He kept stroking along the edge of Xanders groin, never too close, but definitely encouraging the ever-hardening erection. Just thought maybe we both needed a bit of fun. Its okay. Shirts were removed, large, blunt-nailed fingers roaming over two well-toned bodies. Not hairy, something Spike had considered carefully. Xander had a nice bit between his pecs, he knew, but Spike himself was smooth, so hed shunned the selection of thick, burly, men with entire forests growing on their chests. Instead, these two were thin and lithe lookingperfect. Xanders breathing picked up. Spike moved his hand fractionally closer. Sure? he asked again. In actuality, he didnt care at all whether Xander was ready for this or not. But he had to appear to, didnt he? Still Xanders protector, caring for him during the fight and after. Dont want to force you or anything. Xander shook his head, eyes glued to the screen. Thats it, pet. Watch them do everything Im going to do to you. And more, what youre going to do to me. Remember all the movies Ive shown you, working you up to this. All the erections youve hidden, all the uncomfortable posturing you tried to protect yourself with till I finally got you to understand you didnt have to. Thats right, get nice and hard for me. Gonna make you my pretty little toy, pet. And soon. No, Xander said distantly. It took Spike a minute to remember what hed asked him; watching him in the flickering blue light, a soundtrack of moaning not hiding the way Xander was starting to pant and the way he smelled. . . much more interesting then waiting for an answer. No, its okay. Good. Thats good, pet. Spike started touching Xander a little more firmly, still staying away from truly erotic areas. For a little longer, anyway. I like watching this too, you know. It makes me feel good. He thought about shoving his erection into Xanders leg for proof, then vetoed it. Instead, he moved just a touch closer, feeling Xanders heat radiating through the thin, tented cotton. On screen, the men were now naked and one was pushing the other down his body to his cock. Does it make you feel good? Uh huh. Xander looked like he was in a trance which, if Spike had done everything correctly, he almost was. Not quite thrall, not quite a true hypnotic trance, this was just a calm, responsive state of mind. Hed gotten Xander here a few times previously, always so slowly, so carefully, usually letting him sleep it out after reminding Xander how much he trusted Spike, and how much he liked him. Not this time. Im glad it does, pet. I like that. Just keep watching them. Picked this movie out for you special, pet. So you just keep watching it. Thats right. Wondering if he was going to earn a sock to the jaw, Spike slid his hand over the last few millimeters and actually touched Xanders cock. The boy made another wet noise in his throat, but otherwise didnt react. Oh, yeah. Spike spread his legs a little wider. On screen the red head was blowing his companion, the camera work not so focused on the cock as it disappeared into the guys mouth that you couldnt see their faces. That was key for Spikes plans, since he needed Xander to see them enjoying themselves. No bored porn stars here. Spike particularly liked the way they let the viewer see the cocksucker fist his own cockhow hot and needy it was, little groans escaping from his mouth. Spike stroked Xanders cock as they watched, rubbing it with his fingers and his palm, even touching the wet head that peaked out from underneath the elastic around Xanders waist. And all the while Spike told him how lovely this was. How lovely he was. Xanders heartbeat was pounding in his chest, his breath wet and loud. He whimpered when the actor getting sucked grabbed his partners head, fucking into the wide open mouth. Oh, yeah, Spike thought, very pleased at the way Xanders cock jumped in response. Thought youd like that, pet. He loves it, Spike said. Whispered, more like, since his voice was just a soft undercurrent of air. See the way hes fisting himself, pet? He loves it when hes fucked like that, just held still and taken. Xander was starting to hyperventilate now, cock throbbing under his touch. Wanna come, dont you? he wanted to ask aloud. Want to beg me to let you get off, to touch you harder, squeeze your pretty cock in my hand or shove mine down your throat. Oh, yeah, you want it bad, pet. Gonna have you gagging for it. But Spike didnt do anything but continue his light, tormenting touches. Hed already watched the film several times and knew just how far he could go before the harsh, gutteral grunt of a man coming down anothers throat filled the air And the scene cut out. Xander cried out, body jerking and shuddering in the sudden silence. Spike pressed the heel of his hand on the base of Xanders cock, holding it there until the tremors stopped and his heart started to slow down. Easy, he murmured. Its okay. Hed timed it just right, he noted with pleasure, preventing Xanders orgasm at the final second. Discreetly, he froze the dark screen, wanting the boy to have a moment to recover. Such slow, tiny little steps Spike was leading him on. . . Sorry, Xander said eventually. His body rolled, as if trying to move away. Spike caught him, holding him still while Xander tried to say whatever humiliated apologies his mind was producing. Whats to be sorry for? Spike asked when Xander finally stopped trying. He was stroking again, tugging Xander more fully onto his lap and rubbing his thighs and belly, scratching lightly between his pecs. Petting him like a puppyand invoking a carefully placed trigger at the same time. These touches meant relax. That everything was safe. That Spike wasnt upset, wasnt mocking him, and that it was okay to let go of whatever it was that had Xander so fashed. Glad you like my movie, pet. Do you want to see more of it? Is that all right? Xander was flat on his back now, eyes dark as he looked up into Spikes face. Yeah. II like it, he whispered quietly, but he didnt turn away. Not until Spike reached up and nudged his jaw, turning his head to the right. Thats good, pet, Spike said with that same breathy, barely-there voice. Just watch for me now. Such a good boy. When the movie resumed, it was as if the sex-scene hadnt even happened. Spike studiously avoided the still hard cock, starting a deeper version of the previous massage. This time he pressed his fingers down until he felt Xanders muscles twitch and release, sending him deeper into the almost-trance, relaxing him and making him feel very good. Spike knew he was a tactile creaturetouching, being touched, so long as there was some kind of give and take, he was a happy vampire. And the boy could be persuaded to give lovely massages, if Spike played it right. But that was for later, when Spike planned to have Xander massage something else. Ignoring the movie, Spike twisted so that Xanders legs spilled around his waist, ass balanced on his crossed legs. It made glancing at the tv a strain, but the benefit of watching Xander made up for it. Can I take these off, pet? he asked diffidently, toying with the material covering Xanders groin. Let me, pet, do. Give you a nice rub-down while you watch. Xander mumbled something Spike took as acquiescence, lifting his legs when Spike asked, then letting Spike place them where he wanted. He was beautiful. And mine, all mine. Not a single protest as he was stripped, his t-shirt pushed up to expose taut nipples, and Spike knew hed won. For a boy as self-conscious as Xander to allow himself to be stripped while Spike was still clothedMine. Youre mine now, Xander. And Im not letting you go. That thick cock Spiked been stroking was hard and red, laying flat against a golden belly. His skin was flushed and just starting to dot with sweat, eyes half-closed as his mind tried to pay attention to the movie and enjoy the feel of Spikes strong hands massaging away his ability to think. Just watch, Spike instructed when Xander turned back at one point. Keep watching. Seen it before, already. But you just keep watching. By the time the sex started back up on screen, Spike had just finished working out a largish knot in the top of Xanders thigh, leaving him limp and gooey and nearly asleep. But not totally asleephis heart-rate picked up the moment the two characters were obviously back in their home. Spike turned to watch; this was a good scene. The one whod gotten sucked off before pushed his partner against the wall as they entered, reaching an arm around to roughly paw the red-heads crotch. Are you still hard? he growled. You better be. The redheaded gasped and nodded, mumbling some kind of affirmative while his body rocked into the almost abrasive touch. Good. Strip. Xanders heartbeat started pounding, his cock twitching again as the redhead stripped to expose his hard cockand the other did not. Naked, the redhead began a number of chores, conversing normally with his partner while his cock was occasionally tugged and fondled the way a man might pet a particularly beloved dog. The redhead never commented on the touches, though his body always instantly paused to accept the almost condescending caress, unmoving until he was released. Spike had watched this scene alone over ten times. It was a bloody hot scene, but he wanted to be sure he could mimic each and every pull, each glancing touch simultaneously, easing Xander more fully into the role Spike wanted. Thats you, pet. Gonna let me touch you whenever I want. Keep you hard and wanting until while I take my fill of you. And youre going to love it, just like this one does. On screen, the redhead cleaned up their dinner then settled into his partners lap for a long, lingering kiss. Think you deserve being fucked tonight? he was asked between kisses. Have you been good enough to feel my cock inside you? The redhead moaned, shaking his head. He was rocking back and forth, cock pressed against his partners with chest back far enough that the camera could see the two erections rubbing and slipping against each other. Spike wished he could open his jeans and tug Xander those few inches closer and mimic this part of the scene, but didnt. Not yet. Not until those eyes went totally glazed and empty, waiting to be filled with whatever Spike put there. Well, his partner said consideringly. You may not deserve it, boy, but I want to fuck. Go get ready. The scene cut away then, drawing out the suspense. Spike took the time to shift Xander more onto his side. Just gonna rub your back, pet, he soothed when Xander made a noise. Thats all right, isnt it? He stroked the muscles around the base of his spine, easing Xander back into quiet compliance. Then he began moving his hand lower with the other curled around his cock, not stroking, just holding. A reminder. Gonna dress you up in steel and leather, pet. Gonna play with my pretty toy soon enough. Given how nicely Xander was responding so far, Spike was hopeful he could move his plans up. Who needed two or three months of seduction when Xander was warm, horny putty in his hands? The boy didnt even object when Spike pressed a finger against his opening and started rubbing. Spike rubbed him front and back, waiting for the scene to come back to the fuck he knew was waiting. Xander whimpered when the bedroom flickered onto the screen, rocking slightly between Spikes hands in anticipation. Shhhh, Spike told him. Just watch, pet. Just watch for me. Spike concentrated on Xander, ignoring the action on the screen. He had to be alert for each and every reaction, careful to time his actions to suit. Xander barely had his eyes open but Spike knew how riveted he was. Each touch and tease on screen produced a sound and a twitch, his cock achingly hard in Spikes fist. Spike removed his other hand, timing the snap of the cap opening with the one on screen. Xanders eyes widened slightly when something cool touched him, while on screen the redhead was also prepared. He looks good like that, doesnt he pet? Spike asked to distract him. Spread open and waiting. Hes pretty like that, wet and willing and so, so sexy. A lube-slick finger eased into Xanders body. Spike couldnt fuck right into him the way he wanted, stopping before the first knuckle was inside. He loves it, too. Can see it, cant you? See how much he wants it. Wants someone else to play with that pretty body. Wants to be taken. Xanders panting went ragged with need, the cock still in Spikes fist throbbing dangerously fast. Dangerously because Spike needed to draw this out the length of the on-screen fuck and Xander was already moments from coming. Grunts and groans and the sound of skin rubbing against skin came from the television, louder then the near-continuous whimpering Xander was making deep in his throat. His hips jerked backward then forward, shoving himself deeper against Spikes finger before fucking himself into Spikes fist. His eyes were wide now, blood-shot and empty, and Spike was glad his own jeans were still on, or hed be coming from that sight alone. Beautiful, he panted out. So fuckin beautiful. Gonna teach you, pet. Gonna make you mine. Gonna make you love it. And you are gonna love it, pet, youre gonna need it. Spike eased his finger all the way inside, leaning forward so his mouth was near Xanders ear. Look at him on all fours, open and needing each thrust inside him. Thats what you need, Xander. Thats what you want. Thats what Im gonna to give you. And youre going to love every. Sodding. Second of it. He kept up the hot, whispered words until the dominant character stiffened on screen, pumping the redhead full of his come. Spike snarled softly. Hed gotten lost in the words and blown his timing. Well, all wasnt quite lost, since Xander was still hard. Waiting like a good boy. Oh, yes, pet, you want this so much dont you. So perfect for me. Quickly finding the boys prostate, he pressed down on ithard. Come, he growled directly in Xanders ear. Come now. Xander gasped, eyes totally unseeing as he bucked once, twiceand came all over Spikes hand. Dismissing the tv as irrelevant for the moment, Spike unbuttoned his jeans and used Xanders come as a lubricant. Look at me, he barked, the first loud, demanding voice hed used that night. Xanders eyes flew to his cock, glazed and unseeing and so fucking perfect that Spike barely needed to stroke himself before he was spilling over Xanders softening cock. Mine, he hissed as he came. Mine. And Xander bucked, gasped, and came againand passed out. * * * * Spike gave it a few days before he showed his head again. Enough for the boy to get past the denial stage and start wondering why Spike didnt want him, what hed done wrong. Not that he had or that Spike didntit was all so beautifully exquisite that Spike had jerked himself raw on the memorybut he wanted Xander to think so. Got to keep him guessing, dont I? Were not done yet, Xander. Not at all. But now he was so close that he was tempted to throw his whole plan out the window, grab Xander, and fuck the boy until the chip fired and they both screamed and bled as they came. Waiting that long had also given Spike a chance to control himself before seeing Xander again. Because as hot as that sounded, it wasnt really what Spike wanted. Not yet, anyway. He kept in the shadows as the Scoobies assembled in the courtyard outside Giles apartment. The girls were all chatting about upcoming classes, Riley included as he was still a TA. Spike didnt know the details and didnt care. Not when Xander was standing off to the side, looking into the shadows with a forlorn expression in those dark, dark eyes. Hello, pet, Spike said softly. Xander jerked with surprise, his body turningjust like you were taught, good boy!towards Spikes instinctively. Spike. Hey. Youve, ah, been gone awhile. Spike ignored the question in favor of moving closer and letting his fingers rest next to Xanders. We never finished that video, you know. Think you may want to see the rest of it tonight? He could smell Xander getting hard just from his presence, but that wasnt the true litmus test for this hunter. No, this time the prey wasnt going to be cajoled and seduced into submitting. This time it was going to be open invitation. Remind his prey that it could thinkwhen Spike let it, anyway. I can cue it up right where we left off. True prey always was so. Even when the predator let it go, teasing and toying with it. Prey always knew that. And most of the time, the little sluts loved every second of it. So no, the test wasnt the verbal invitation. The test was Spike placing his hand on Xanders arse, cupping it and giving it a good squeeze. And Xander moaned. Test passed.
thank Andrea and have a look at her other tasty fic at Subtle Salvation |