How Come by Jenny - Lady Mol UK |
'Hmm?' 'Angel!' 'Yeahhhh?' 'ANGEL!' 'OUCH. And WHAT? I am trying to read here, Spike!' 'Angel, how come the clothes get dusted?' 'Huh?' 'The clothes. How come when you stake a vamp the clothes get dusted, too? I mean, if I get dusted...' 'Lets just hope that happens tonight some time, eh, ouch, stop hitting me; give my book back; give me back the covers, and what are you going on about?' 'Jees, you anally retentive, nancy boy! The clothes. You know, when we get dusted, our clothes get dusted, too. Why? I mean, if I was wearing my duster, it would just go poof. Dust. What if I was just holding it cus it was a hot night or something? Would it get dusted then? Or what if I was lyin on it cus I was shagging you (in yer dreams), would it go dusty dust then cus I was lying on it? I mean, how come?' 'So, you and I are shagging on the ground; you get staked, and you are fucking worried about your duster? Thats gratitude for you, and give me my book back please. And go to sleep. I never thought I was going to say this in my long life, but you think too much!' 'Angel.' 'Angel.' 'ANGEL!' 'WHAT! I was asleep then Spike, and I was dreaming that you were a fucking duster and that you went poof in a graveyard one night, and it was strangely reassuring!' 'Angel, will yer just shut up a min, how come...' 'Oh God, Spike, what is going to come up in your little existentialist mind now?' 'Wow! Impressive NOT, Angel. I do know what that means!' 'Dont!' 'Do!' 'What then?' 'What, what?' 'What do you mean what, what?' 'I mean what you mean!' 'Huh?' 'Hah! 'Now shut up and listen. Hair. Your hair. It was long when the ball-breaker, ice queen turned you, wasnt it?' 'Watch it, Spike! Thats my Sire youre talking about!' 'What, the Sire you staked then set on fire?' 'Oh, yeah.' 'So, was it?' 'Was it what?' 'ANGEL! Was your hair long when you were turned?' 'Yes, you know it was.' 'And we dont get old, do we, or change? Ever.' 'Nooo, Im not sure what youre getting at, Spike.' 'Well, your hair was long, and so was mine, and mine was brown and now theyre both short and mines blond.' 'Bleached you mean, you poof! OUCH. Stop hitting me!' 'So?' 'So WHAT?' 'So how come... how come our hair hasnt grown back every morning or some shit? How come everything else stays the same forever, but our hair is how we like it? How come?' 'I dont know. What am I, some fucking encyclopeadia on vampire lore?' 'Duh! Yeah! Youre my Sire, youre supposed to know this shit!' 'Well, der...der, Spike! Time to enter the grownup world, your parents dont know everything, you know. What, stop laughing... Spike, stop it...' 'You, Mate... my fucking parent... kinda makes it a bit naughty when I do THIS then, dont it.' 'Ahhh, Spike, dont... theres only two hours of daylight left and I need to sleep... ahh.' 'Give up the sleep then, Mate?' 'Oh yeah!' 'Angel. 'Angel. 'ANGEL!' 'NO, no, no, no!! Whatever it is, I dont want to know, in fact, I am still asleep and Im not even talking to you. You shagged me into the mattress for over an hour; you sucked me off then fucked me again, and I am shagged out. Leave me alone. I am going back to sleep and I dont want to hear from you again. Got it?' 'Got it, Mate, but how come theres no pee?' 'What pee! Where? What have you done?' 'NO pee, mate! How come?' 'PEE! What are you bloody talking about?' 'And hey, how come youre starting to get an English accent... but anyway, how come if we drink lots of blood and lots of beer and the occasional OJ and, oh yeah, your poofy Evian water cus 'Im so pretty shit ouch, that hurt, how come with all that drinking, we dont pee? Where does it all go?' 'Ill fucking pee on you in a minute, if you dont shut up and let me go to sleep!' 'Well! Thats a witty comeback, Angel, real classy and original.' 'Yeah, well, Im tired.' 'So, how come?' 'I dont know, Spike, and do you want to know something else? I DONT CARE! Im just glad, OK? One of the advantages of being a vampire, hey? Now go to sleep, and I warn you, if you wake me again before dark, I will give you a whole new hole to try and pee through.' 'Angel.' 'OUCH!' 'Angel.' 'No!' 'Honestly, Angel, this is important.' 'OK, Spike. Im a reasonable two hundred and fifty year old, so Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Here, Im sitting up; Ive nicely rearranged the covers. Hit me with your best shot; whats so important that you wont FUCKING LET ME GET TO SLEEP?' 'Well, how come there were bones?' 'OK, Im staying real calm here, Im trying to think of lotus blossoms.' 'Jees, get a life, Mate! But anyway, how come you told me when the Master was dusted by Slutty...' 'Spike...' 'OK, Buffy, dusted by Buffy. How come he left bones? I want bones. How come he had bones?' 'Yes, I am seeing that that is a vital question which needs careful, consideration and a lot of thought. So Ill just lie down here and Ill let you know when I have thought about it enough. No interrupting here, Spike... Im still thinking...' 'Angel. 'Angel. 'Hey! Dont cry, Luv. Thisll only take a minute.' 'Its my torment, isnt it? This is part of my redemption. You arent, Spike, are you? You are some conjuring trick from the Powers sent here to test my soul...' 'Oh, shut up, you stupid git... all I wanted to say was, how come...?' 'Pleaseee no.' 'HOW COME... how come it gets hard?' 'What, Spike? How come what gets hard?... oh that.' 'Yeah, I mean, how come it does this, when I run my hands up and down it? And how come when I swirl my tongue on it, like this... it does it again?' 'Ohhhh!' 'Now come on, Angel, I want to know. Youve no pulse, have you?' 'No, but just keep doing that, Spike, while we... ahhh, think this through.' 'So, youve no pulse, and no heart beat, have you? 'So, sorry, teeth a bit sharp for you there, Mate? So, how come if you have no pulse, your dick sticks up like the fucking statue of liberty when I do this?' 'Spike... how come you dont just shut up and suck it?'
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